Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres-Dopt Order

Framing a Transfer Policy in all Cadres
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.11013/10/2013-Estt.A, dated 2.7.2015
Subject: Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to the OMs of even number dated 13thJune, 2014, and 3 July, 2015 wherein all the Ministries/Departments were requested to (i) prescribe Minimum Tenure, (ii) set up a mechanism akin to Civil Services Board for recommending transfer, and (iii) place in public domain the transfer policy.
2. The Rotational Transfer Policy should aim to harmonise objectives of institutional memory, avoid development of vested interests, and provide exposure to the employees of working in different organisations, inter alia ensuring overall growth of an officer. The Transfer Policy should
provide for both a minimum as well as maximum tenure. Any transfer before completing the minimum prescribed tenure or stay beyond the maximum tenure should be with the approval of the Committee constituted for the purpose, for reasons to be recorded in writing.
3. The draft Rotational Transfer Policy for the Central Secretariat ServiceNavailable on the website of Department of Personnel and Training at (Annexure). It lays down guidelines on tenures, postings on promotion, posting on return from leave/deputation, outstation
postings, mutual transfers etc. Appropriate provisions on these aspects may be made in the Rotational Transfer Policy in each cadre that will best serve public interest.
4. In addition, instructions of Central Vigilance Commission in the Circular No. 03/09/13 (No.004/VGL/090/225553 dated 11.9.2013) reiterate that sensitive posts should be identified and staff working in these posts strictly rotated after every two/three years to avoid developing vested interests. The OMs of this Department also lay down guidelines on postings of spouse at the same station, and postings of disabled Government servants/ parents of disabled children.
4. The Ministries/Departments/Cadre Authorities may communicate action taken report on the following latest by 10.7.2015, (i) framing of Rotational Transfer Policy and putting up in public domain(ii) Identification of sensitive posts (iii) rotation of officers from sensitive posts in true spirit of the provision.

Salient Features of Draft RTP for CSS available at

  • Aims to harmonize divergent objectives of institutional memory, avoid developing vested interests, exposure to different organizations and aspects of working for overall growth of an officer.
  • Draft finalised after publishing on the website and inviting suggestions
  • Prescribes fixed tenure in a Ministry/ Department for different grades
  • Reduced tenure by one year for certain specified regulatory Ministries/ Departments
  • Prescribes how posting will be made on promotion / rotational transfer
  • Provides for grouping of Ministries/Departments viz. group A and B
  • Group -A generally regulatory Ministries. Group B generally economic and infrastructure Ministries.
  • Transfer from A to B or from B to A. However, transfer from A to A, i.e., regulatory to regulatory is also allowed in some cases.
On promotion
  • Posted out if served in the same Ministry/ Department for a period exceeding the prescribed tenure for the promotion post.
  • Retained in the same Ministry/Department if within two years of superannuation if a vacancy exists
  • Retained on personal upgradation if within six months of superannuation.
Rotational Transfer
  • Posting out on completion of the prescribed tenure however officers within two years of superannuation and officers likely to be promoted within one year are not rotated.
  • Officers working in PMO, Cabinet Secretariat, Office of Solicitor General & Attorney General, Addl. Solicitor General are exempted. They are to be transferred only after consulting these offices, keeping in view the willingness of the officer concerned.
  • Surrender of officers on any ground not to be allowed. in case of surrender no substitute to be provided for a year.
  • On return from deputation, long leave/ long term training, posted back to the same Ministry/ Department if at least one year tenure is available in the Ministry/ Department subject to availability of a vacancy for the remaining tenure.
  • Leave/ training exceeding six months treated as long term.
  • Posting in a Ministry/ Department permissible where he earlier served subject to the condition that there is a gap of period which is equal to tenure prescribed for the post.
Preference for posting
  • On the basis of seniority cum preferences
  • List of officers and available vacancies to be published on website in advance
  • Three preferences for posting
  • Posting on promotion/transfer to be recommended by a Placement Committee and its recommendations approved by the Competent Authority.
Outstation postings
SO and Assistant level: Ministry! Department concerned will fill up the post from its officers by circulation of the vacancy. In case of non-availability DoPT will circulate the post and select from the applicants. Seven year tenure in outstation postings.
US and above level posts
  • DoPT will circulate invite applications. Selection for outstation posting posting profile of the officer/ his family circumstances requiring posting to the particular station etc. Five year tenure in outstation posting.
  • Mutual Transfer : Request for mutual transfer of officers on completion of half of the tenure to be considered subject to conditions.
  • Request Transfer : SO/ Assistants on completion of five year tenure in a Ministry/ Department may request for transfer. Such transfers restricted to Group A Ministries / Departments and on transfer fresh tenure will start.
  • Substitute to be posted if leave vacancy exceeding six months
  • Posting of differently abled officers considered on case-to-case basis.
  • Cut-off date for calculating the period of residency is 1st July of the year.
  • Rotation under RTP undertaken once in a year grade wise and phase wise. A time schedule has been prescribe as to the time in a year when rotation shall be carried out in a particular grade.
  • Promotion/ transfer orders to be issued on the last working day of the week and the officer concerned stands relieved immediately and to join the allocated Ministry/ Department on the first working day of the next week.
  • Relaxation to the policy only on recommendations of a Committee of senior officers and approved by MoS (PP). Speaking order to be issued for transparency.

Authority /Source:

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